Village Church Memphis
If you are symptomatic, running a fever, have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive or have traveled internationally or to a domestic hot spot in the past two weeks, we ask that you refrain from attending worship for the wellbeing of others.
Mask required while on campus. This is for the safety of all, but especially the most vulnerable. Be respectful of others.
Door Greeters with gloves will open/close all entry/exit doors to limit the amount of people that touch doors.
Maintain six foot social distancing.
Ushers available to help people find proper seating
No person to person contact outside immediate household (no handshaking, hugging, not even elbows at this time)
Worship seating spread out to provide adequate distancing with the exceptions of household family units
No Meet-N-Greet
Offering collected in Collection Boxes upon arrival or departure
There will be no altar call at the end of the worship service.
Dismissal will be directed by sections to assist with distancing upon departure.
The restrooms will be monitored before and after the service to allow only two people at a time.
Sanitize hands before and after entering restrooms
We will not be providing childcare or children's church. Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend worship with their parents/guardians and please do not think they will be a "distraction".
No paper handouts such as bulletins, communication cards, pew bibles, etc.
Our campus will be sprayed with disinfectant after each service.
Our custodian and other volunteers will deep clean restrooms, doors, etc. each week between services.
Doors will be wiped down multiple times throughout Sunday mornings
Hand Sanitizing Stations are positioned throughout the campus
Signage throughout campus to remind of guidelines and provide directional instructions